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Out Of Retirement


What could be good enough to drag me back? The perfect heist? Not exactly. A damn good movie, actually. And a brilliant feckin' t-shirt. And a shout out to Sea Mackey.

I'm writing a paper on this documentary for school right now. I was really won over by it. Didn't expect to like it all that much, but ended up being totally enthralled when I first saw it. It's intelligent, insightful, compassionate, clever, and really entertaining. Also, the 80s factor is a welcome plus. If you were all on my Netflix friends list I would reccommend you see it. So do.

Speaking of the way-back when, my friend Dave-O says this place "really knows how to hit the nostalgia button". I browsed through tonight and grinned dorkily at the plethora of Nintendo nostalgia-wear. As I was walking out I saw this shirt, which was enough to make me laugh out loud.

Last, but not least, I appreciated this little item on the blog of note.

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  • From East Hartford, Connecticut, United States
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