LarkI should know better than to throw this up here, but then again, no one is still reading this thing, right?
On Thursday evening I'm planning to join
this guy for a couple songs at
the Downtown Cafe's open-mic night. It's in Bristol, and I'm as surprised as you are that they have a website.
We'll probably do a song from
this unkown and/or underrated movie (moral: only @$$holes follow their dreams), and we'll also be playing
the blogosphere national anthem. Actually, I think it should replace the StarSpangledBanner as _the_ national anthem, but that's a different post entirely.
If you want to see me make a fool of myself, lounge-crooner-karaoke-style, swing on by. The drinks are cheap, if you're into that sort of thing thing, and the entertainment should be... well, entertaining.
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